Friday, December 28, 2012

My Mother

           My mom was put into the ICU here at Portneuf Medical Center last Friday - it has been the longest 7 days!! She is really ill, and the doctors can't seem to pin point what is making her white blood cell  count continue to rise every day. I feel so helpless because there is nothing any of us can do at this point. She doesn't recognize us, isn't responding to people, isn't eating or drinking on her own - so we are waiting anxiously for news on her situation.
           On a happy note, the 26th was Kaitlin's birthday! I drove over to my folk's house to say hi after work, and when I walked in the door, Korth was sitting there on the couch!! What a surprise! I really needed the mood-boost! We took a few pictures - here they are! We kind of act like nerds when we are together!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

      We had a fun Christmas Eve night. We all went to Kira's house for dinner and to decorate Gingerbread Men! The kids did such a great job!

     Sasha and I had our Christmas on Christmas Eve since she was going to be with Mark on Christmas Day. I LOVED watching her open her gifts!! Her main gift from me was her Leapster. Her cousins all have them, and she has wanted one for a while. (Kira snagged a stellar deal on a pink one for me on Black Friday!) Thanks lady!!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Starting Anew

It's taken me a long time to get to the point where I could start blogging again. So much has happened the last two years, and I needed to focus on my family and getting to a better place.
Sasha and I are starting a new journey. I am now a single mom, and she is a child with two houses, two beds, to sets of clothes, two sets of....everything. Coming from a family that never knew divorce, I can't sympathize what she is having to go through - but what I do know, is that we are going to be doing this fantastic journey together!! 
Here's to my little picket fence.